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Nanobots in Humans - Interview with James Grundvig on Unrestricted Warfare
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National ARM Statement Regarding Attorney Reiner Fuellmich - The COVID Criminals Run Free While The Freedom Fighter Is Still In Prison
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"The Subversion Process" by Former KGB Staff Member In Charge of Psychological Warfare and Propaganda Yuri Bezmenov Explains What Has Been and Is Happening To The United States Now
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SUPER INTELLIGENCE - Analysis of Nick Bostoms Book - Director Of "Future of Humanity" Institute and Strategic Artificial Intelligence Research Centre
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Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study And Culture Work Of COVID Shots For Up To 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies
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Interview With Maria Zeee & Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetics By University of Colorado - Alex Jones Show - Infowars
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Carnicom Institute

Clifford Carnicom has researched the phenomenon of bioengineering with nanotechnology and synthetic biology by investigating the phenomenon of Morgellons, which he renamed Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB). Clifford and I became research partners to investigate the correlations between the C19 nanotechnological weapons and CDB/Morgellons.

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On this channel interviews with many different interesting scientists are featured, bringing forward new scientific understandings of healing, medicine, science and the investigation of C19 bioweapons.

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Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity - Darkfield Blood Microscopy

In this interview with SGT Report, Dr. Ana explains the evolution of information of nanotechnology and synthetic biology found initially in the C19 vials, then in human blood.

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Healing From Mind Control Through Love

Mindful Protection from Nanotechnological and Synthetic Biology Assault: Dr. Ana Mihalcea & CIA MK-ULTRA Survivor and Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien

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AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology

Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea join Maria Zeee to expose their correlating findings that confirm our hypothesis regarding the transhumanist agenda.

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